SARL with a capital of 20.000€


550 rue du mont blanc
01630 Saint Genis Pouilly


The individual identification number
(VAT number)


General Conditions of Sales of unitary services,
subscriptions and prepaid cards.

Between: the undersigned member and SARL Cortigrimpe01 (named Cortigrimpe01 below)

Article 1

The general conditions of sale govern all sales between SARL Cortigrimpe01 (also named Cortigrimpe01 below) and any customer (also named member below) via the website or at the reception of Cortigrimpe01.
The general conditions of sale in force on the day of the order prevail over any conditions or stipulations to the contrary.
The subscription of any order by the client implies its adherence to these general conditions of sale. The client declares to have read these general conditions of sale and accept them in full.

Article 2

After having acquainted with the services and the proposed installations, the member subscribes a contract with Cortigrimpe01, authorizing him to use its installations and to benefit from the services proposed by Cortigrimpe01, within the limit of the service chosen and paid on the site, or the reception of Cortigrimpe01.
Apart from the services covered by this contract, Cortigrimpe01 may offer activities that will be subject to additional billing that the member will pay directly to Cortigrimpe01. The rates of these services will be communicated to the member by a display at the reception and on our website, if necessary.

Article 3
Access to the climbing gym

The subscription of the contract allowing the access to the installations is conditioned by the purchase of a session or a subscription or a card of prepaid sessions.
These services, whose price is displayed at the reception desk and on the Cortigrimpe01 website, are payable by credit card (within the limits of the cards accepted by the TPE), by check, by vacation vouchers and ANCV sports vouchers, in cash, by bank transfer or monthly direct debit.
For subscriptions and prepaid cards, a personal access ticket (smart card) Cortigrimpe01, nominative and non-transferable, will be sold to the member at the first visit.
This access pass can be refunded at the end of the contract, provided that it is returned in good condition.
The member must be in possession of this pass at each visit to the climbing gym.
The member with a valid Cortigrimpe01 pass, or having paid for the session, can enter the climbing gym and use the facilities within the framework of the opening hours and the respect of the posted internal rules, of which he/she must be aware.

Article 3-1

The effective date of the subscription is the date of the contract. The subscription can be taken out for a period of 3 months, 6 months or one year. A one-month subscription may be offered exceptionally as a promotion. The subscription rates are displayed at the reception desk and can also be found on our website.
The end of the subscription marks the end of the contract. To continue to benefit from the services, the member will have to sign a new contract.

Item 3-2
Prepaid Session Card

The effective date of the prepaid session card is the date the contract is signed. The price of the prepaid session cards is displayed at the reception desk, and can also be found on our website.
Each time the card is used, one session is deducted.
The use of all the sessions marks the end of the contract. To continue to benefit from the services, the member must sign a new contract.

Article 3-3
Prepaid session card

The purchase of a single session corresponds to the subscription of a contract for a unique access to the site.
The price of the unit sessions is displayed at the reception desk and can also be found on our website.
Leaving the facilities marks the end of the contract. To continue to benefit from the services, the member must sign a new contract.

Item 4
Prepaid session card

Climbing is a physical and sporting activity that can present risks. The member acknowledges having knowledge of the risks associated with the activity.

Article 5
House rules, opening hours and exclusion

The member declares to have read the internal rules posted at the reception, containing in particular the rules of safety, hygiene and access to the climbing gym and declares to adhere to them without restriction or reservation.
The member acknowledges having read the schedules, which may be changed without notice in the following cases: organization of events or during periods that the company Cortigrimpe01 will consider appropriate (maintenance or work by expl) or in case of force majeure. He will be informed by posting on the site, by logging on These changes can not give rise to a refund.
Temporary exclusion : any person whose attitude, behavior or dress is contrary to good morals, or notoriously annoying for other members, or not in accordance with this contract or the rules of the climbing gym Cortigrimpe01, may be asked to leave the establishment temporarily.
Permanent exclusion: The member recognizes the right of the management to exclude permanently from the establishment, by letter with acknowledgement of receipt, any person whose attitude, behavior or dress would be contrary to morality, or notoriously annoying for other members, or not in accordance with this contract or the rules of the climbing gym Cortigrimpe01.
In case of exclusion, the member cannot claim a refund of the service.
External persons who are invited by a member or for a trial session are subject to the same internal rules and conditions as members and must be registered at the reception desk before their session.

Article 6
Termination and suspension of the subscription

Annual memberships
Annual memberships are non-refundable. However, they may be suspended in the event of a temporary ban on physical activity (justified by a medical certificate presented within 7 days). The subscription will be extended free of charge.

Renewable monthly subscription.
Renewable monthly subscriptions are non-binding, and can be cancelled by notifying the cashier directly or by e-mail before the 25th of the previous month (e.g. to avoid being charged for August, you must cancel before July 25th)

10-ticket cards
10-ticket cards are nominative.
10-ticket cards are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase.

Article 6(bis)
Reservation / Cancellation / Termination of courses.

Birthdays, courses & internships for children / teens
Birthdays, courses and internships are reserved upon payment of the deposit.

In the event of cancellation, the following rules apply:
- Cancellation more than 1 month before the start of the course or birthday: refund of deposit (or conversion into a credit note).
- Cancellation between 1 month and 1 week before the start of the course or birthday: no refund of deposit.
- Cancellation less than one week before the course or birthday: the full course fee is due.
- In the event of cancellation for medical reasons, on presentation of a certificate, only the deposit is retained, regardless of the date of cancellation.
- In the event of absence from lessons during the year for medical reasons, no reimbursement for the first 4 lessons missed, reimbursement of 20 euros per lesson missed beyond that. On presentation of a medical certificate.
Courses and birthdays must be paid in full no later than the morning of the course start date.
No refund will be made in the event of withdrawal from a course, except in the event of physical incapacity, on presentation of a medical certificate. In this case, reimbursement is made on a pro rata basis for the time spent on the course.

Article 6 (bis, bis)
Reservation / Cancellation / Termination of courses.

Annual climbing course
Climbing courses are reserved upon payment of the deposit.

In the event of cancellation, the following rules apply:
- Cancellation more than 1 month before the course start date: deposit refunded (or converted into a credit note)
- Cancellation less than 1 month before the course start date: deposit not refunded.
- In the event of cancellation for medical reasons, on presentation of a certificate, only the deposit is retained, regardless of the date of cancellation.
- In the event of absence during the year for medical reasons, no refund for the first 4 missed classes, refund of 20 euros per missed class thereafter. On presentation of a medical certificate.
- In the event of exclusion from the course, reimbursement is made on a pro rata basis according to the number of lessons attended.

Article 7
Insurance and liability

Cortigrimpe01 is insured for damages involving its civil liability, that of its staff as well as that of the sportsmen in accordance with the article L321-7 of the Code of the sport.
The member is invited to subscribe to a personal insurance policy, covering him/her for any bodily injury he/she might suffer and for his/her own civil liability, covering him/her for any damage he/she might cause to third parties.

Article 8
Data Protection Act

The computer processing of the member's file under the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, gives him a right of access, rectification and opposition to the data in the file, upon request by mail to the address . In addition, the member must inform the company Cortigrimpe01 of any change of situation [CB6].

Article 9
Loss or theft of subscription badge

The user agrees to notify without delay of the loss or theft of his subscription badge by phone call to the reception of Cortigrimpe01 or by any other means of his choice (mail, email).
Simultaneously to this declaration, Cortigrimpe01 will proceed to the pause of the subscription.

Article 10
Force majeure

In the event of the occurrence of a case of force majeure characterized by its unpredictability, its irresistibility, and rendering impossible the proper execution of the contract temporarily or permanently, the parties agree to make every effort to find an amicable solution to continue the contract. If the execution proves impossible, the contract may be terminated by right.

Articles 11
customer service

The customer service can be reached by email:

Articles 12

The above provisions are governed by French law.
All disputes to which the present conditions could give rise, concerning both its validity, its interpretation, its execution, their consequences and their consequences will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

Article 11
Consumer Ombudsman

The member is free to resort to the following consumer mediator in case of dispute with Cortigrimpe01:
CM2C, 14 rue Saint Jean, 75017 PARIS
mail : tel : 01 89 47 00 14